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2.5MV特快速瞬态过电压发生器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
气体绝缘开关设备(gas insulated switchgear,GIS)以其占地面积少、密封性好,受环境影响小,运行可靠、维修周期长等优点在中国电网中得到了广泛应用。在330kV以上电压等级的系统中,开关动作产生的特快速瞬态过电压(very fast transient overvoltage,VFTO)对系统有很大危害。为满足特高压GIS中VFTO的模拟,利用6MV敞开式冲击电压发生器与陡化装置结合的方法,研制出一种模拟VFTO产生的装置。通过增加GIS母线长度来补偿回路固有电感的影响,以及通过控制陡化间隙的击穿电压来控制输出电压幅值,使该装置可以输出幅值为2.5MV、高频振荡达到35 MHz的电压波,能够满足特高压试验对VFTO模拟的要求。采用外加积分器方式,制作了一种锥形电容传感器来测量该装置产生的电压波,测试结果表明该电容传感器可以满足试验的要求。  相似文献   
刘本粹  徐扬 《电力建设》2000,21(11):14-23
以包含高比例光伏和规模化电动汽车(electric vehicle,EV)的配电网规划为研究对象,首先对电动汽车虚拟电厂进行灵活性量化,然后建立了综合考虑电动汽车虚拟电厂灵活性与高比例光伏接入的配电网规划模型。模型以配电网线路年综合投资成本最小为目标,同时兼顾新能源消纳、储能系统投资成本和电动汽车虚拟电厂灵活性补偿成本,以期在提升配电网规划经济性的同时实现电力系统“削峰填谷”,并提高光伏出力消纳率。最后以IEEE RTS-24节点配电网系统为例进行仿真验证,算例表明,所提规划模型利用储能系统和电动汽车灵活性降低了系统的规划运行成本,并提高了配电网内部光伏电站的消纳率,能够对未来包含高比例可再生能源和虚拟电厂灵活性资源的电力系统规划提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
为研究特高压气体绝缘开关设备(gas insulatedswitchgear,GIS)中的特快速瞬态过电压(very fast transientovervoltage,VFTO)规律,需要建立全尺寸的真型模拟试验回路。计算了1000kV GIS变电站和模拟试验回路在不同接线方式下的VFTO,指出1000kV GIS的VFTO模拟试验回路宜带有分支母线,比国家标准和IEC标准规定的无分支母线的简单试验回路更严格,从而提出新的VFTO试验回路,并推荐了测点布置方案和试验隔离开关型式。对所建成的VFTO试验回路进行试验,结果表明:无论是从VFTO实测波形还是从统计规律上看,试验回路均达到了设计的预期,对研究VFTO的特性发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   
现有柔性熄弧方法仅利用有源逆变器控制故障点电压为零,熄弧电源容量高达50 kVA,且体积较大。针对这一问题,在电压熄弧的基础上,提出了功率源转换与有源逆变器结合的柔性熄弧方法。在配电网发生单相接地故障时,通过功率源转换将中性点电压反相钳位到接近于故障相电源电压,偏差电压的幅值和相位通过有源逆变器进行精确补偿,使故障点电压远小于熄弧电压,实现快速熄弧。在利用Matlab/Simulink对传统消弧线圈的仿真基础上,仿真了仅投功率源转换、功率源转换结合有源逆变器的柔性熄弧方法在各工况下的运行特性。通过10 kV真型配网实验场,验证了该方法的有效性。结果表明该柔性熄弧装置可以有效降低故障点电压,实现快速熄弧,大大降低有源逆变器的容量。  相似文献   
AlN green bodies with variable O and C contents were employed to fabricate Y2O3-doped AlN ceramics of different grain-boundary phase compositions and microstructures via debinding in air and N2, respectively. The microstructural evolution and grain-boundary oxide migration and their effects on the properties of the ceramics were explained. Finally, modified models were built to predict the thermal conductivity of these AlN ceramics with complex microstructures. During sintering, the oxide melt migrates to the ceramic surface driven by the differences between the surface energy and solid/liquid interface energy of the melt. The phase compositions and distributions of the grain-boundary oxides vary with sintering temperature. In addition, the amorphous layers were detected experimentally. All of these factors have great effects on ceramics properties. AlN ceramics were shown to have a thermal conductivity as high as 221.64 W/(m·K), which agrees with the value predicted via modified models.  相似文献   
为解决分布式电源(distributed generation,DG)出力及负荷的时变性给实际配电网调度所造成的不利影响,使配电网的优化规划方案更加切实可行,提出了一种基于配电网重构和DG选址定容结合的多目标粒子群动态优化模型,该模型以配电网有功损耗、电压偏差及经济成本为优化目标,考虑负荷及DG出力的时变性,对配电网络重构和DG调度进行综合优化求解。通过基于随机森林模型(random forest,RF)及长短期记忆神经网络(long short-term memory,LSTM)模型的混合预测模型对配电网负荷及DG出力进行预测。采用经帕累托最优理论改进的粒子群算法得到配电网重构及DG调控的帕累托最优解集并利用模糊隶属度函数法来确定帕累托最优解集中的最佳配电网调度方案。基于IEEE 33标准测试系统设计多个算例进行仿真分析,结果表明,所提考虑负荷及DG出力时序性的配电网重构和DG调度联合优化模型可显著改善配电网络运行的经济性和稳定性。  相似文献   
以包含高比例光伏和规模化电动汽车(electric vehicle,EV)的配电网规划为研究对象,首先对电动汽车虚拟电厂进行灵活性量化,然后建立了综合考虑电动汽车虚拟电厂灵活性与高比例光伏接入的配电网规划模型。模型以配电网线路年综合投资成本最小为目标,同时兼顾新能源消纳、储能系统投资成本和电动汽车虚拟电厂灵活性补偿成本,以期在提升配电网规划经济性的同时实现电力系统“削峰填谷”,并提高光伏出力消纳率。最后以IEEE RTS-24节点配电网系统为例进行仿真验证,算例表明,所提规划模型利用储能系统和电动汽车灵活性降低了系统的规划运行成本,并提高了配电网内部光伏电站的消纳率,能够对未来包含高比例可再生能源和虚拟电厂灵活性资源的电力系统规划提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
《Ceramics International》2023,49(19):31255-31264
Luminescent lanthanide-doped phosphates have never been introduced as potential materials for wood functionalization. Wood–ceramic composites (WCC) may enable the extensive use of wood in construction due to different functionalization. Hence, this work proposes the inorganic GdPO4·H2O:Eu3+ compound as an alternative and innovative method to increase wood chemical resistance and confer new optical properties. Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood – ceramic composite was obtained through in situ hydrothermal synthesis and compared with the untreated sapwood specimens. The enhanced characteristics of the WCC samples were demonstrated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), x-ray computed micro-tomography (μCT), and thermogravimetric (TG) analysis. Optical properties were determined by luminescence analysis.  相似文献   
中国现行抽水蓄能电站的运营模式要求必须要对其辅助服务功能进行评价。分析了现行抽水蓄能电站辅助服务功能评价现状,建立了评价抽水蓄能电站功能作用的指标体系,并提出辅助服务的贡献率指标,量化了抽水蓄能电站在电网中的辅助服务作用,建立了抽水蓄能电站辅助服务的模糊综合评价方法。  相似文献   
《Energy Policy》2006,34(17):3093-3103
The inherent technical, economic and environmental benefits of hydroelectric power, make it an important contributor to the future world energy mix, particularly in the developing countries. These countries, such as Turkey, have a great and ever-intensifying need for power and water supplies and they also have the greatest remaining hydro potential. From the viewpoint of energy sources such as petroleum and natural gas, Turkey is not a rich country; but it has an abundant hydropower potential to be used for generation of electricity and must increase hydropower production in the near future. This paper deals with policies to meet the increasing electricity demand for Turkey. Hydropower and especially small hydropower are emphasized as Turkey's renewable energy sources. The results of two case studies, whose results were not taken into consideration in calculating Turkey's hydro electric potential, are presented. Turkey's small hydro power potential is found to be an important energy source, especially in the Eastern Black Sea Region. The results of a study in which Turkey's long-term demand has been predicted are also presented. According to the results of this paper, Turkey's hydro electric potential can meet 33–46% of its electric energy demand in 2020 and this potential may easily and economically be developed.  相似文献   
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